Backbone Funder, an investment tech company, is establishing a proprietary funding ecosystem to invest in the bottom 60% of local economies.
Backbone Funder is designed to serve our two primary clients: innovators and investors. We will channel funds from impact investors (our “investor clients”) to invest in our innovator clients’ works and projects.
Backbone Funder’s proprietary technologies are designed to change the way individuals, businesses, creatives, communities, and nonprofits (prospective “innovator clients”) are funded by implementing an investment and securities trading platform (“BBEX”), a peer-to-peer SEC registered securities exchange, a trading platform with a majority of retail investors. In addition, once our exchange is established, online retail investors will be able to directly invest in and trade our securities.
As asset managers, Backbone Funder is responsible for providing end-to-end services on behalf of BFC’s innovator and investor clients. We build, implement, and maintain our proprietary technologies (the BBF InvesTech ecosystem) with custom automation of our key processes to provide client services where automation is at the core of everything.
By democratizing funding Backbone Funder brings the power of impact funding to the heart of communities to invigorate creativity and innovation. Our ecosystem is designed to support the bottom 60% of local economies.
The global concentration of stock ownership contributes to long-term financial stability of wealthy individuals but severely harms mid- and lower-income households, as well as the younger generation because they lack the beneficial exposure of securities ownership.
Retail investors comprised only 10% of daily trading on the U.S. stock exchanges in 2020, (according to “Retail traders account for 10% of U.S. stock trading volume” - Morgan Stanley, Reuters, June 30, 2021).
Backbone Funder believes that the combination of our peer-to-peer securities marketplace, the equitable distribution of innovators investments in communities, and the involvement of retail investors from these communities will significantly strengthen and stimulate local economies.
Our goal is to increase small to lower-mid primary market businesses’ contribution to the GDP of countries. For example, in the most current report (2019), small businesses in the U.S. alone contributed over $9.2 trillion or 44% to the gross domestic product.
Backbone Funder will support innovators and their employees to build a thriving workplace. We believe this will increase the economic prosperity of diverse communities.
Our vision is to create a funding impact that will empower lower- and middle-class families and individuals, including the poor, seniors, veterans, homeless, disabled, students, etc.
We will endeavor to foster dignity, respect, and humanity by supporting innovative solutions for food insecurity, housing, healthcare, creative economy, small businesses, education, climate change, and disaster recovery.